A Simple Morning Routine: A Way For Moms To Start Their Day with Gratitude, Prayer and Movement

Have you ever looked at the mom who is getting up early, before her kids and starting her day with her bible, and wondered how on earth does she do that? Everyone always talks about how important a morning routine can be, but all the information can be overwhelming. So I found a way to simplify my morning routine, so I still spend time in my bible, give gratitude for what I have, and move my body.

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Why Mornings Matter

So what is the big deal with a morning routine, why should you incorporate one in your life?

Starting your day with the Jesus, Journaling and movement you will be setting the tone for you day. These tasks have been shown to help reduce stress, and we all know the stress that motherhood can bring. And can help you mentally, emotionally and physically.

I have found a short and simple morning routine that has really help me, after years of struggling to get something to stick or trying to do to much. I hope this can help another busy work from home mom like me.

Devotional and Bible First

Before the hussle and bussle of the morning starts I like to take a few minutes to read from a devotional, to remind me that I am not alone. God has got my back in all that the day will throw at me.

Need a recommendation for a devotional? Check out the this list of devotionals I have read and loved over the years. A List of Devotionals for Women

After my devotional I pick 1 chapter from the Bible to read. I do this instead of a Bible reading plan, because they can just be too much for the short time I have. I pick 1 book in the Bible to do, and read a chapter a day. This is an obtainable goal for me, and keeps me engaged in reading the Bible, instead of feeling like a failure for not keeping up with a reading plan.

What is a Morning Journal for Moms?

After years of trying to find the perfect journaling practice I have finally landed on a simple method that takes just a few minutes in the morning, but makes for a great start to my day.

Simple morning journaling consists of 3 thing:

  • Memory Verse – I like to write one verse for the month, to help memorize more scripture.
  • List of prayers- I like to pray for 3 things a day. This can be anything from thanking God for our home, to more patience in my day as I chase my kids around.
  • List of gratitude– I like to list 3 things that I am thankful for. This is to keep my mind focused on the good in my life when it can seem to just be chaos.

By doing these 3 simple acts in my journal starts my day with a positive heart and mind to help combat the stress and overwhelm feeling of motherhood.

Here is a list of my favorite journaling items:

Morning Movement

Moving your body, no matter what time of day can boost your energy and reduce stress. Both of these are key for me as I try to balance motherhood and working from home.

Some morning I combine my time in the scriptures with walking, by blasting worship music. Other days I find a simple 30 minute workout on my favorite workout platform.

Putting it all Together

A simple morning routine that can take an hour or less to do if you focus of these 3 simple tasks: Bible and Devotionals, Simple Morning Journal, and Movement.

By incorporating these things into your mornings you can feel more energized, less stressed, and are modeling healthy habits for your family.

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