Start Right : A Guide to Effective Morning Routines for Children
Morning is a busy time in most households. Mom and dad getting ready to go off to work. Kids getting ready to go off to school or camp for the day. If you are like my household your morning routine can make or break the start of you day. So why not guide our children into having an effective morning routine so that they can have the best start to the day.
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As a former preschool teacher, I loved teaching independence. Watching a child’s face glow with such pride when they were able to put on their shoes without help or the confidence that they wore when they knew the drop off routine and needed no help from me. Well I wanted to find away to teach my kids independence when it came to their morning routines. First because a good morning routine can have you set for a great day, and second because I was tired of fighting every morning.
So to help my kids get their day started on the right foot, I made a super simple morning task chart. These are tasks that my children ( ages 6 and 3) can do with little help. What makes this morning routine effective is it simplicity.
These charts work like this: The night before I make sure that the charts are ready for the next day. In the morning as the children complete their morning routine they get to mark each task as done, by flipping up the “check mark” ( I use velcro to help these stick). Once all tasks are done they are free to play until it is time to go.
Added bonus: If your children are still struggling to implement their effective morning routine, then add a sticker chart with an end goal of a simple prize ( my children love one on one time, so this could be as simple as a walk with just mom or dad) when they complete all morning routine tasks independently.
Here is what I used to make these for my kid: I have used this laminator for years in my classroom and now at home.
Need help with effective independent night time routine? Check out these night routine charts.