6 Fun Ideas for Preschool Community Helpers Theme
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We just wrapped up are unit on community helpers. Here are some of the highlights that the kids really liked.
We introduced the unit by sorting what tools that each community helper would use. I drew this community helpers and tools about 3 years a go and then laminated them to use again!! (yay) This then became a center that the kids could sort by themselves.
Sensory Bin
Our sensory bin is always a hit! This time we used dried black beans and construction trucks. Later on in the unit I added rocks with lower case and capital letter.
Dramatic Play
Our dramatic play area was always an area I struggled with on how to change, but I have been in a groove since Christmas. For Christmas we had a fireplace, stockings, and cookies to make (more on that another time). For community helper unit I turned the center into a pizza shop. The children could pretend to be a chef or a waiter(ess). They had an order pad to take orders, an apron and chef hat. They were able to make pizza, salad and pasta. This was a big hit!
Writing Center
In our writing center we wrote on teeth and then used a toothbrush to make them all clean again! Super simple 🙂 You can either laminate these teeth with a laminator or use page protectors.
Building Center
For our building area we borrowed these large community helpers and people from out toddler room and used the big blocks to be construction workers and architects. I also made some blueprint for the kids to follow and also gave them paper to make their own blue prints.
These large community helpers are old, but check out these 5 inch ones on Amazon. Community Helpers
Art Project
One of the art projects that we did was painting with toothbrushes. We did this during Valentines’ week and so we used red, pink and purple.
Hope you got some ideas for your next community helper unit. Let me know if you use any and how it goes!