5 Fun and Easy Preschool Winter Theme Ideas

Updated: Jan 2024

Winter is one of my favorite themes to teach. There are artic animals, snow, snowmen, ice skating and even more. Here are a list of things that we did in my class over the past month.

Dramatic Play Area

I transformed our dramatic play area into an ice skating rink with cocoa to keep warm and cookies to eat after working up an appetite.

Building Center

Our building center transformed into an artic adventure. We coved our wooden blocks with white butcher paper and added artic animals. The kids had a ball building different artic landscapes and adding animals.

Melted Snowman Craft

After reading the book The Snowman the children practiced their cutting skills and cut a melted snowman. Then they added snowman parts. I loved that even with the prompt “it’s a melted snowman these can go anywhere you want” most children still put the hat, eyes, carrot nose, and arms in the correct places. πŸ™‚

Penguin Directive Drawing

One of my favorite art activities are directed drawings. The step by step I used can be found here. I love how in each one you can see the personality of the child that drew the penguin.

Gross Motor Play

What winter theme would be complete without an actual snow play day! We were lucky it actually snowed and was warm enough for us to play outside one morning. We even made a little snowman, and thanks to one of my students he even had a carrot nose! πŸ™‚

Looking for more winter fun? Check out my winter tracing paper.

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